A long list of P & S proclamations. 30 years ago i was told it had already happened
road to nowhere
JoinedPosts by road to nowhere
Living in the last of the last days - A new prophecy
by Listener inalthough not a new concept by the watchtower, particularly in public talks and at assemblies, they have now put this prophecy in writing.watchtower oct 2019 page 8 -13 study no.40 titled -keep busy during the last of "the last days".
the first paragraph asks '1.
what convinces us that we are living in “the last days”?
What Do You Think About Organized Sit Ins That Are Disruptive?
by minimus inmarches, sit ins, traffic blocking is the new normal for people to demonstrate.
they block highways, state buildings and roadways.
they may even get arrested but invariably get turned loose by the courts.. i think it’s disgraceful to demonstrate this way.
road to nowhere
Don't forget we scared old white men are the hippie generation. We learned about changing the world, then found where that really led.
Living in the last of the last days - A new prophecy
by Listener inalthough not a new concept by the watchtower, particularly in public talks and at assemblies, they have now put this prophecy in writing.watchtower oct 2019 page 8 -13 study no.40 titled -keep busy during the last of "the last days".
the first paragraph asks '1.
what convinces us that we are living in “the last days”?
road to nowhere
Damn. Now what am i gonna do? My solar cellphone charger won't work in the basement . I know of elderly people who are really discouraged but cannot admit it. One sits home, another died and left instructions for no memorial ( you too can have the same hope as Joe)
Question About JW Library
by millie210 ini am wondering how many of the older publications they include these days?.
road to nowhere
They update every thing. The video for this weeks meeting wouldnt play until the new version was downloaded. they cant keep a story straight for 6 months
Can someone compare the midweek meeting now to what it was say in the 60`s - 80`s ?
by smiddy3 ini can`t believe the tidbits i`m finding out about the changes ,dumbing down of the meetings i used to attend and participate in up until the late 1980`s ...
road to nowhere
Used to be friday. As a not totally in single male that conflicted with recreation. Then with shared halls it moved to tuesday, Wednesday, thursday.
I hated the late hours because of work. Then you would get windbags who ran over and gave 6 minute prayers.
Remember the awake articles about children needing a set schedule and to be in bed by 8? All they learned was to hate meeting
If you can read at 6th grade level everything is right there on the tablet so there is no studying. Worst part is the bible study with 5 minutes material but they use e every bit of if their 30
What Do You Think About Organized Sit Ins That Are Disruptive?
by minimus inmarches, sit ins, traffic blocking is the new normal for people to demonstrate.
they block highways, state buildings and roadways.
they may even get arrested but invariably get turned loose by the courts.. i think it’s disgraceful to demonstrate this way.
road to nowhere
Counter productive the minute they disrupt other lives. The powers behind them are not front and center. The demonstrators are often bussed in
'Experiences(tm)'! Made up or totally true??
by punkofnice inat one assembly(tm), i was asked to relate an 'experience(tm)' which i did.
however, during rehearsals, the geezer in charge elder or co or some such title, told me that i shouldn't tell it the way it was.
i did a 're-enactment(tm)' with another 'brother(tm)'.
road to nowhere
I love John denver stories. Like he was the only singer/actor who ever disliked witnesses? Bet J carson wasnt a fan either. I thought camermen had to take extra education and couldn't turn down evening work .
'Experiences(tm)'! Made up or totally true??
by punkofnice inat one assembly(tm), i was asked to relate an 'experience(tm)' which i did.
however, during rehearsals, the geezer in charge elder or co or some such title, told me that i shouldn't tell it the way it was.
i did a 're-enactment(tm)' with another 'brother(tm)'.
road to nowhere
If they check anything it is to make sure the locals don't know the true version
Not training speakers/teachers any more?
by eyeslice2 innot having attended any meetings since about 2001, for reasons of safety (sounds a bit dramatic but i don't like my wife being out on her own late at night where we live now), i have started accompanying her to the mid-week meeting.. when i was young, the ministry school and service meeting were central to training brothers to take the lead.
you were assigned instruction talks, then if you cut it, you moved pretty rapidly to public talks - a full 55 mins at the time.
i was just 18 years old when i gave my first public talk and this was a first step to moving rapidly through the ranks.
road to nowhere
Waton; not even orchestrated by local elders, mom calls the shots they just nod yes
Tech; only good thing about reading is you do not have a householder, and I am a good reader so do not even have to do any more than find the start and stop places
JW's revelling in their online statistic...
by The Fall Guy in...that their web site is the most translated in the world.. https://www.tomedes.com/translator-hub/most-translated-website.php.
do jw's genuinely believe that statistics prove divine backing?
you can fool some of the people some of the time...there are lies, damned lies, and statistics!.
road to nowhere
Those circulated magazines were really in closets waiting for the trash. The count always was for how many printed, not actually placed and read